Visitors of are well-seasoned online buyers and often very close to the actual purchase. This is why our service is an excellent place to advertise products and/or your own webshop.What do we offer
For webshops and service providers delivers new customers and integrates sales services.
For advertisers, offers very targeted marketing per categories, at the right time, exactly when the potential buyers are visiting our service. has currently many main categories and several subcategories so very detailed targeting is also possible.
Visitor profile
Please contact us for more information about visitor profile.
Banner sizes

Size: 980 x 400
CPM: 50€

Size: 970 x 250
CPM: 35€

Size: 300 x 250
CPM: 20€

Size: 728 x 90
CPM: 15€
CPM = the price in euros per 1000 views.
VAT 24% will be added on prices.
Minimum price of the campaign is €500.
Targeted campaigns on categories and SOV over 50%: please contact us for an offer!
Advertising on is based on CPM; costs per 1.000 impressions. Options and prices vary in targeting, banner size and purchase form.
By advertising in, you can also target a single category and focus your visibility there.
Here is a list of our categories:
- Tietotekniikka / Electronics
- Puhelimet ja Internet / Mobile phones and internet
- Kuva ja ääni / Displays and sound
- Kodinkoneet / Household appliances
- Matkat / Travel
- Vakuutukset / Insurances
- Kamerat / Cameras
- Viihde / Entertainment
- Lelut ja pelit / Toys and games
- Puutarhatarvikkeet / Garden supplies
- Toimistotarvikkeet / Office supplies
- Lastentarvikkeet / Children’s supplies
- Kauneus ja terveys / Beauty and health
- Muoti / Fashion
- Autot ja renkaat / Cars and tyres
- Polkupyöräily / Bikes
- Erotiikka / Erotic
- Asusteet / Accessories
- Korut / Jewellery
- Lahjat ja vempaimet / Gifts and gadgets
- Rakentaminen / Building
- Keittiö ja ruokailu / Kitchen and dining
- Ruoka ja juoma / Food and drinks
- Eläintarvikkeet / Pet supplies
- Apteekki- ja hyvinvointituotteet / Pharmacy and well-being
- Kalusteet / Furniture
- Jalkineet / Shoes
- Urheilu- ja ulkoiluvarusteet / Sportswear and outdoors
- Kodin sisustustarvikkeet / Home decoration
- Lvi-tuotteet / LVI products
Are you interested in advertising at Please contact us, and let’s plan a campaign that suits your business’ needs the best!