Compare Group PartnerNet

Compare Group has one portal for all their labels (NL, BE, FI). This is where you can find for example all your stats, credentials and invoices. Here you can find the explanation about the several possibilities within the portal. Access the portal

Lost my password

Click on “Forgot Your Password” on the login screen. Make sure you enter the correct username. Also, forgot/lost your username? Send an e-mail to and ask for new credentials. When sending an e-mail please provide the following information: company name, name contact person, e-mail address.

PS: New credentials might end up in your spam folder.

Where can I find which information?

After you’ve logged in you see three levels, which are “organization”, “group” and “shop”. You can ignore “group”, that level doesn’t show any new information. Below you can find the information shown at organization- and shop level.


At organization level, you can look into invoices and download these, adjust your financial credentials and add or inactivate contact persons. You also see two charts.

Charts: on top you can select a date and underneath it says “include data of child”. Make sure you click on this checkbox to get the data in the charts. You might have multiple webshops or also advertise on a different label. If you click on the blue “refresh data” button, you can see the clicks and costs for all shops combined.

Invoices: on the left side, you can find the tab “invoices”. This is where you’ll find all invoices, these can also be downloaded for your own administration. It also shows if invoices are already paid or still open. Normally, invoices are debited halfway each month.

Adding/inactivating contact persons: on the left side, you can find the tab “contacts”. Here you’ll find all your company colleagues with access to the portal. You can add new contacts or inactivate existing ones. Make sure at least the following fields are filled: first name, surname, title, and e-mail address.


At shop level, you’ll find clicks and costs, you can adjust your shop information page which is visible for consumers and you can make a connection with our API.

Logo: top left is your shop logo. You can upload a new logo with the “edit logo” button. Select a new logo and don’t forget to click “save”. Error? Try again with a smaller one (max 5MB). Logo should be at least 150×65 pixels and in .png or .jpg format.

Charts: the left chart shows the clicks and the right one shows the costs. Underneath the charts you’ll find the total clicks, costs and average CPC for the selected period.

Shop information page: on the left, you’ll find “shop details on site”. Here you’re able to fill out all information about your webshop or physical store. This information will be visible for the consumers on your shop information page on our platform. You can find your shop information page by clicking on the review score of your shop. The URL will look like this: On this page, you’ll also find your reviews and review button.


Where can I find the API connection and what does it show?

Our API is the most accurate way to measure the performance of your products on our platform and it’s also easy to connect the API token with your marketing tools. You can find the blue “refresh API token” on shop level. What happens when you click the blue button?

  1. You’ll get a small explanation with below a URL. That URL is your token.
  2. Make sure you save this URL somewhere. Don’t click “refresh API token” again!
  3. Every day, this token shows a detailed report with the clicks of the last 31 days. Each line in the report is a click, which shows for example: product name, category, CPC, click date.

If the token doesn’t work anymore, try to refresh it with the blue button. Then you’ll receive a new URL. If that also doesn’t work, please contact us.

Contact us

Interested in connecting with us? Hit us up with your email address and we will get back as soon as possible.

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