Support & contact

Would you like to know more about our service, and what we can offer to your webshop? Are you already our partner and would like to ask something? Please contact us and we will assist you!

Frequently asked questions

Below we list some of our customers’ frequently asked questions.

Generic questions

What is is the biggest price comparison website in Finland. We list different products from different websites and offer our visitors a broad and up-to-date catalog of different items. Our visitors can compare prices and products and find a product that suits their needs the best, with less effort. is part of the international Compare Group, which operates in Finland, The Netherlands, Belgium and France.

How many visitors does have? has tens of thousands visitors per day. The most accurate and up-to-date visitor count you will get by contacting us:

What kind of shops are connected to

All kinds of webshops have been connected, from large retailers to small shops. We do not connect products and services that we suspect to be unethical. We favor shops that can send us EAN code with their products; the EAN code helps us to direct the data correctly into products. It’s harder to get price comparison or visibility for unique products in our site.

Compare Group has other comparison websites in other countries. Can I list my products on these websites too?

Compare Group has websites in Belgium, France and The Netherlands. Do you ship to these countries also? Is your product feed and webshop available in these languages? Please contact us and we will tell you more!

Connecting a shop

How can I connect my shop to

If you would like to connect your shop in, you can do it easily by filling out the application form. If you need more information, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

What information is needed for joining?

In order to connect your shop to our service, we will need the following information:

  • Webshop information (e.g. www-address, webshop platform and your shop logo)
  • Company information (Business ID, contact information and billing details)
  • Product feed URL

How long does it take to see my products in

After receiving the application form, we will first perform a credit check that usually takes 1-7 working days. Once this is done, we will start connecting your shop. If you have a high-quality product feed file, the connecting process will take approximately 6 days. During the connecting process we will perform the following:

  • We check the product feed file and will ask you for missing details, if needed
  • We check the visibility of your products in our website
  • We inform you when your products are visible in our service


What product categories can I find in covers over 3000 different product categories. To ease the browsing, we have split the product categories into different segments, “subthemes” and “themes”.

Here is a list of themes:

  • Tietotekniikka / Electronics
  • Puhelimet ja Internet / Mobile phones and internet
  • Kuva ja ääni / Displays and sound
  • Kodinkoneet / Household appliances
  • Matkat / Travel
  • Vakuutukset / Insurances
  • Kamerat / Cameras
  • Viihde / Entertainment
  • Lelut ja pelit / Toys and games
  • Puutarhatarvikkeet / Garden supplies
  • Toimistotarvikkeet / Office supplies
  • Lastentarvikkeet / Children’s supplies
  • Kauneus ja terveys / Beauty and health
  • Muoti / Fashion
  • Autot ja renkaat / Cars and tyres
  • Polkupyöräily / Bikes
  • Erotiikka / Erotic
  • Asusteet / Accessories
  • Korut / Jewellery
  • Lahjat ja vempaimet / Gifts and gadgets
  • Rakentaminen / Building
  • Keittiö ja ruokailu / Kitchen and dining
  • Ruoka ja juoma / Food and drinks
  • Eläintarvikkeet / Pet supplies
  • Apteekki- ja hyvinvointituotteet / Pharmacy and well-being
  • Kalusteet / Furniture
  • Jalkineet / Shoes
  • Urheilu- ja ulkoiluvarusteet / Sportswear and outdoors
  • Kodin sisustustarvikkeet / Home decoration
  • Lvi-tuotteet / LVI products
  • Keittiö ja ruokailu
  • Ruoka ja juoma
  • Eläintarvikkeet
  • Apteekki- ja hyvinvointituotteet
  • Kalusteet
  • Jalkineet
  • Urheilu- ja ulkoiluvarusteet
  • Kodin sisustustarvikkeet
  • Lvi-tuotteet

Our complete categorytree can be found here.

Clicks and CPC

How does CPC service work?

By adding your products in, you get visitors on your shop. You pay a CPC price from every click that leads from our website to your website. The price depends on the category and is flexible (flex CPC). This means that CPC price is influenced by the amount of comparable prices in a category. applies a minimal monthly invoice fee of 10€. This means, that if your advertisement generates leads for an amount less than 10€, will send an invoice of 10€. In case you receive leads worth more than 10€, we’ll invoice the actual amount. The 10€ will not be invoiced as additional fee.

You can check up-to-date CPC prices for all of our categories in the CPC-pricelist.

What is a click?

A click is an event, that occurs when a visitor clicks a link in within a product and moves to your webshop from that link. We do not charge very click. For example clicks made by bots, employees and same visitors within certain timeframe will be filtered out.

How many clicks will I get?

The amount of clicks depends on your pricing, category and how many products your shop has. Your shop information and delivery times and prices also have an influence in this.

Can I pay by the orders I get (CPS)?

Unfortunately CPS price is not available in at the moment.

How can I see the statistics of my shop?

You can see and follow your webshop’s performance and statistics in Compare Group’s own PartnerNet. You will get credentials to the service automatically upon connecting and acceptance of your shop. In the service you can also edit your shop info.

Product feed

How do I create a high-quality product feed?

Your products will be connected to database via your product feed. High-quality feed is very important; it increases the visibility and conversion of your products. The processing of product feed takes approximately six days, depending on its quality.

You can find instructions about how to create a high-quality feed in our Datafeed manual.

My product feed has changed. Should I do something?

Please inform us immediately if any changes has been done to your product feed (columns added or removed): This way we can make sure that the changed file will be updated correctly and as soon as possible.

Can I use the same feed file on the other Compare Group websites?

We use the same product feed structure on all of our websites. However, please note the country-related delivery times, prices and languages in the feed file. Use Dutch for and, French for and and Finnish for

Can I have second-hand, used and returned products in my feed?

We only compare new products: used, returned, samples or second quality products etc. are NOT allowed in the product feed.

Differences in measuring

We have measured the clicks ourselves and the numbers are different than those made by Compare Group. Why is this?

Single clicks are measured and calculated differently depending on the different analytics. If you have questions or concerns about measuring differences, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Invoicing / Administration

This file contains all information about all general agreements, regarding invoicing and administration. It’s also about how and when you must inform us about certain changes, for example the e-mail address where we should send invoices to.

Monthly invoicing

You receive your invoices at the beginning of each month, by e-mail. If you have any questions concerning the invoice, please contact us

Changing your financial credentials

It’s very important that you communicate any changes in your financial credentials to us in time. When you do this before the 25th of the month, these changes will be processed before the end of the month. In that case, we make sure everything is as it should be for the next billing run.

The following changes need to be reported before the 25th of the month:
– New bank account number
– New VAT number
– New e-mail address for invoicing

Make sure the subject of the e-mail is clear.

Changing your company name

When your company name changes, you should always inform us. It could be possible that the company’s legal form changes for example. When something like this occurs, please fill out this form. We will process it and add it to your account.

Contact us

Interested in connecting with us? Hit us up with your email address and we will get back as soon as possible.

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